How to Setup a Local Link-Building Strategy

Links are perhaps the most important aspect of SEO. The more links you acquire, the more your SEO ranking will grow. This process is called link-building, or simply collecting backlinks (links back to your website) across the internet. 

Search engines like Google and Bing have to process trillions of websites and determine a ranking for each one. When their crawlers notice a website with a lot of links from other prominent websites, they assume the site is popular and well-received, thus awarding them a top spot in the search engine result pages (SERPs).

Every local business should have a link-building strategy. If you don’t have one, follow these tips to set up a link-building strategy for your business. 

Begin Guest Posting

Guest posting is one of the most effective ways to gain a free backlink. All you have to do is find a publication in your industry, pitch an article on a topic you’re passionate and knowledgeable about, and then submit your post.

If it’s approved, then that publication will generally allow you to post a link back to your website in your author’s bio. Some publications are more generous and will permit you to add links back to your company’s blogs in the guest article.

From an outsider’s perspective, guest posting may seem like a lot of hard work. Many people aren’t excellent writers and don’t have the time to find publications willing to accept guest posts.

Fortunately, a lot of publications nowadays take insightful guest posts written by experts. For example, take a look at this post from HubSpot.

Guest Posting

Does this article look like it was written by a college-educated, professional writer? It doesn’t, yet it’s a brilliant article that proves the author has a mastery of their topic. If you are very knowledgeable about something in your industry, you can do the same.

In addition, finding publications that will take your work also isn’t difficult. Look what happened when we searched the keyword, “guest post for business”.

Business Guest Posting

The first search result is a list of 65 business blogs that accept guest posts in 2020. How resourceful!

Reach Out to Local Publications

If you run a local business, another way to generate links back to your site is by being featured in local publications like a newspaper. Newspapers typically have a high domain authority (DA).

That means Google and other search engines deem these websites to be credible. Let’s say that you run a restaurant that serves keto-friendly meals in Dallas, you can get featured in a magazine like this:

Guest Post

Allow Others to Guest Post on Your Website

In addition to guest posting, you can allow other experts to contribute to your blog. This is a quick and easy way of adding quality content to your blog. Also, contributors will almost always return the favor and link back to your site or the article they’ve contributed.

Develop an Effective Link-Building Strategy Today!

Acquiring links from prominent websites is essential. If you need an extensive link-building strategy from a local SEO company, then you can count on SEO Services Expert

Give us a call at (813) 708-1286 to learn more about how we can help you today!

